Kids Care!: 75 Ways to Make a Difference for People, Animals & the Environment
Written by: Rebecca Olien
Illustrated by: Michael Kline
Recommended Ages: 7-12
The simple premise of Kids Care is that kids really do care and want to make a difference in the world. The book offers suggestions for bringing some great ideas to fruition, and most projects can be done individually or in a group. Kids Care is a great resource for a classroom or a family to have on hand, if only to give a little nudge.
The book is divided into 5 sections, so children are able to migrate towards those areas they are most drawn to. The sections include:
- Kids Care About People
- Kids Care About Pets
- Kids Care About Wildlife
- Kids Care About The Environment
- Kids Join Together
Here are some of the projects I particularly liked:
The Boredom Buster Box is designed for someone who is sick and has to stay quiet. Kids decorate (and personalize) a cardboard box and fill it with items designed to keep the recipient busy. The book offers all sorts of fun activities kids can make themselves such as mazes, word searches and dot-to-dots. It also suggests putting in an extra surprise such as a deck of cards or a bottle of bubbles. The list is endless, and stresses that the recipient can be an adult too. The Boredom Buster Box is a caring gesture that a class could put together for a sick classmate or teacher, or an individual could put together for a friend.
Hosting a Dog Wash was another idea that resonated with me. Kids advertise the event ahead of time and sell tickets. Proceeds from the dog wash can go to a charity of their choice (humane society, pet rescue organizations etc.). The book outlines the steps one takes in organizing the event, as well as a section called "How to Wash a Dog." I, for one, would be eager to come across a group of kids offering their services to wash my dogs.
The Better Than New Toy Shop suggests that many kids have perfectly good toys they no longer play with, that just need a little fixing up so they can be donated to those in need. Many toys just need a good washing, while others may need new paint or some mending. Wouldn't this be a great classroom project to take on just before the holidays? I think there would be a lot of enthusiasm for this particular project, and it's a great way to introduce the concept of recycling.
There are 72 other worthwhile projects in Kids Care. Just browsing through the book will help kids understand the many ways (big and small) they can help others.
What a great book this appears to be...a good one to "gift" a family or a school library. Thank you for bringing it to our attention. I love the Boredom Buster Box!
I know. I think our family will incorporate the Boredom Buster Box into our routine when we have friends that our laid up for a while. It's a great idea.
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